Dydromust-10 is used in the treatment of disorders like dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, and premenstrual syndrome that are linked to progesterone deficiency. Dydromust-10 can be used in conjunction with estrogen for hormone replacement therapy or in the treatment of dysfunctional bleeding or secondary amenorrhea. Infertility is the inability to conceive within 12 months. On the other hand, Premenstrual syndrome comprises signs and symptoms like mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, and depression. It occurs during certain days of the menstrual period in females, generally just before their menses.
Dydromust-10 is a female hormone that controls women's ovulation and menstruation. Dydromust-10 causes secretive changes in the uterus's endometrium lining, promotes the breast's development, relaxes the uterus, blocks the maturation and release of the follicle, and retains pregnancy.
Your doctor will advise you on your dose and how often you need to take this medication based on your medical condition. While using this medicine, you may sometimes have breast tenderness, swelling in other parts of the body, headaches, migraines, mood swings, depression, acne, tummy (abdominal) pain, back pain, and vaginal bleeding. Most of these side effects of Dydromust-10 do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects are persistent, reach out to your doctor.
Try not to stop taking this medicine of your own. Using Dydromust-10 may increase the risk of blood clots. Make sure that before taking this medicine, you inform your doctor if you have had breast cancer, unusual bleeding in the vagina, liver disease, or any other health problems. If you are taking any other medicine or are allergic to any medication, please inform your doctor. Avoid smoking and alcohol to prevent any unpleasant side effects. Dydromust-10 should not be used if you have heart disease or dementia because this medicine may increase your risk of developing these conditions.
Uses: Treatment of Infertility, Prevention of miscarriages, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Irregular menses cycle, Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods), Endometriosis (A disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus), Treatment of threatened and habitual abortion associated with proven progesterone deficiency.
Dydromust-10 is a female hormone that regulates ovulation and menstruation in women. It helps maintain a healthy womb lining during the pregnancy stage. Dydromust-10 helps initiate the menses cycle (periods) in women who have not yet reached menopause. Besides this, it prevents overgrowth of the uterus in postmenopausal women who take estrogen as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Dydromust-10 is used to regulate the uterine lining in postmenopausal women receiving estrogens who have not removed their uterus through surgery. It also helps treat amenorrhea (cessation or irregular menses cycle for more than three months). It is also given in combination with estrogens as part of menopausal replacement therapy. The injection form of Dydromust-10 is prescribed for treating abnormal uterine bleeding along with irregular or ceased menstrual cycles. The intravaginal gel form of Dydromust-10 assists in reproductive technology for infertile women with progesterone deficiency or irregular or ceased menstrual cycle. The vaginal insert form of Dydromust-10 supports early pregnancy and implantation of an embryo in the uterus. Off-label use of Dydromust-10 helps in reducing the risk of preterm birth.
Dydromust-10 should be swallowed as a whole with water; do not crush, break or chew it.
Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight.
Pruritus (severe itching of the skin)
Dydromust-10 with estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia. Using Dydromust-10 with estrogens may increase the chance of getting heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and blood clots. In some cases, using Dydromust-10 with estrogen may produce dementia among women aged 65 and older. Do not use Dydromust-10 if you are allergic to peanuts, have unusual vaginal bleeding, have had any cancer (breast or uterus cancer), or undergoing estrogen plus progestin treatment. Tell your doctor before using the Dydromust-10 if you have had a heart attack, stroke, blood clot, liver problems, kidney problems, pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to get pregnant, asthma (wheezing), epilepsy (seizures), diabetes, migraine, endometriosis, lupus, heart problems, thyroid, or have high calcium levels in your blood. Use caution while driving a motor vehicle, as dizziness or drowsiness may occur. If you are using Dydromust-10 before any lab tests or biopsies, tell your doctor about this, as it can affect the report values. Patients with rare hereditary problems like galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take the Dydromust-10.
Drug-Drug Interactions: This medicine may interact with medications, including anticonvulsants (e.g. acetazolamide, carbamazepine), anti-infectives (e.g. metronidazole, clindamycin), and certain herbal preparations (e.g. Ginkgo Biloba). Drug-Food Interactions: Dydromust-10 may interact with grapefruit or grapefruit juice and St. John’s wort plant (used for anti-depression). Drug-Disease Interactions: Dydromust-10 one may interact with disease conditions, including breast cancer, liver disease, thromboembolism, depression, fluid retention (oedema), glucose intolerance, retinal thrombosis (blocked vein of the retina of the eye), thyroid disease, high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), uterine bleeding, ovarian cyst, and weight gain (obesity).